Carbon management solution for logistics

Maximize visibility in the supply chain, measure and minimize logistics emissions.

a large container ship in the middle of the ocean

a carbon management solution trusted by global logistics leaders

nippon express
ARS Altmann
nippon express
ARS Altmann
nippon express
ARS Altmann

Only 35% of transport services companies responding to CDP in 2022 reported Scope 3 as a “relevant, calculated” category.

The diversity of transportation modes and suppliers, the lack of primary data, and calculation complexity make emissions accounting at the transport and company levels challenging. Environmental regulation reporting is also time- and resource-intensive.

Emission management tools allow logistics companies to aggregate relevant data, identify hotspots, and build accurate reporting. This ensures they comply with environmental regulations, meet customer and investor demands for carbon transparency, and establish leadership in emission reduction efforts.

Comprehensive carbon management for logistics

We enable sustainability and operations professionals in logistics to manage emission data, improve carbon footprint reporting, decarbonize their transport and supply chains, and comply with regulatory requirements.

Improve the granularity and accuracy of emission reports

Detailed emission calculations for logistics activities 

Calculate your enterprise's global footprint by including several geographical layers.
Improve the measurements of multi-modal transport operations.
Start with readily available data and improve precision over time with activity data points, such as distance and mass transported.
Profit from our industry-specific emission factors database based on references such as GLEC or EcoTransIT World.
Carbon management for logistics

Streamline data collection and calculations

Standardized and transparent methodology

Rely on methodologies aligned with standards and industry frameworks such as the GHG Protocol, GLEC 3.0, and ISO 14083.
Access calculation details and references for complete transparency over emission calculations.
Mirror your organizational structure to represent locations, business units, and relationships with suppliers and customers.
Collaborate in a decentralized manner on data collection while keeping a transparent trail of contributions.
Carbon management for logistics

Facilitate collaboration and information exchange 

Intuitive and automated sharing capabilities

Benefit from a custom onboarding process and support from industry experts and partners.
Save time with bulk data ingestion, CSV import, or API integration.
Request supplier data in a click directly from the interface.
Manage users and assign responsibilities for data collection, entry, and emissions management.
Carbon management for logistics

Optimize resources and decarbonize

Climate action and cost reduction 

Identify emissions reduction opportunities across your organization and supply chain.
Build custom emissions forecast.
Track the sustainability and financial performances of climate actions.
Logistics emissions management

We follow industry standards for compliant emissions reporting

Logo of CDP
Logo of GGP
Logo of CSRD
Logo of SBT
Logo of GLEC
Logo of ISO

We serves all actors in the logistics sector

Transport companies

We help transport companies collect data, analyze the carbon footprint across various modes of transportation, and navigate the path towards organizational sustainability and green transportation.

Freight forwarders and shippers

Using Cozero's solution, companies can take proactive steps towards a low-carbon supply chain. Our platform equips you with the tools to assess and minimize the carbon footprint of transporting goods.


With Cozero, infrastructure providers gain the tools to measure and mitigate the footprint of transportation hubs, depots, and other critical infrastructural elements.

Logistics services

Whether you're involved in warehousing, distribution, or fulfillment, we support you in accurately accounting for and efficiently decarbonizing throughout your logistical processes.

Olaf Zimmlinghaus

Executive Director - General Affairs and Finance EMEA at NX Europe
Olaf Zimmlinghaus

Achieving our sustainability goals to combat climate change holds a special place within the NX Group. Our well-defined sustainability goals are not only deeply embedded in our operations but also subject to continuous monitoring of success. The data-driven solution provided by Cozero enables us to implement sustainability transformation into our corporate planning.

Christian Grosse

Maersk E-Delivery Chief Product Officer in Europe
Christian Grosse

With Cozero’s technology we can provide our customers with detailed information on their emissions on every step and component of their international parcels' journey. This will help them to make smart choices and significantly reduce their GHG footprint.

Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis

Jury of the German Sustainability Award
Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis

What is remarkable is the high quality and transparency of the emission data, which can be managed in a simple and comprehensible way, thus facilitating decisions for the future. Alongside digitization, climate protection is one of the major transformation challenges of our time that all companies will have to face sooner or later. There is no question that this can only work in tune with economic success.

Dominique Breuer

Sustainability Manager at OMR
Dominique Breuer

We don't just want to understand what OMR's carbon footprint is. We want to work specifically on reducing our emissions significantly. This year we laid the foundation by creating as much transparency as possible.

Lutz Fricke

Head of Sustainability at MOSOLF SE & Co. KG
Lutz Fricke

At MOSOLF, we are transforming our business model by “measuring, improving and talking”. The basis of every improvement is reliable measurement. With Cozero we work very closely on the constant development of our carbon footprint. Long-term and trusting cooperation is important to me personally. Because this is the only way we can improve sustainably. In this sense, Cozero is exactly the partner for us.

Leverage emission calculations from EcoTransIT World

Discover our integration
a logo for a company with a plant on it

Import emissions files

Import your existing files with emissions calculations.

a piece of paper with a pencil on top of it

... or activity data

Alternatively, directly fill out a template with activity data.

a computer screen with a line graph on it

... to get you reports

Access comprehensive reports of emissions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of data visualization tools does the software offer to interpret carbon emission trends in transportation easily?

Cozero's software provides user-friendly analytics tools. Users can access intuitive dashboards, charts, and graphs that present carbon emission and reduction trends in a clear and understandable format.

Can your logistics solution help transportation companies calculate and report their Scope 3 emissions? How do you support the collection of primary data from suppliers?

Yes, Cozero's logistics solution enables transportation companies to calculate and comprehensively report their Scope 3 emissions. The platform facilitates the collection of primary supplier data through easy and secure data-sharing mechanisms. 

Can your software help us prepare for regulations like the Supply Chain Act and CSRD?

Absolutely. Our software is designed to keep you compliant with evolving environmental regulations. We provide timely updates and automate data collection and reporting processes to ensure your submissions meet the emissions disclosure requirements related to the SCA and CSRD.

What kind of support or training is provided to help transportation professionals implement and use the software effectively?

Cozero offers comprehensive support and training to assist transportation professionals in implementing and using the software effectively. Our climate success team provides training sessions, documentation, and ongoing support to ensure users are equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to maximize the benefits of the Cozero platform.

Can Cozero's platform assist in setting and tracking progress toward sustainability goals?

Yes, Cozero's platform is equipped with a decarbonization strategy planning tool to assist transportation companies in building emissions pathways, setting multi-level reduction targets, and assessing the impact of various decarbonization initiatives.

Can your software integrate with existing transportation and logistics management systems?

Yes, Cozero's software has an API designed for seamless integration with your TMS, WMS, or ERP systems. The interoperability with industry-standard management systems streamlines the integration process.

Can Cozero's software accommodate supplier-specific emission factors for calculations? 

Absolutely. Cozero's software is designed to be flexible. It allows transportation companies to input and utilize supplier-specific emission factors for precise and customized carbon calculations.

How does the Cozero software account for different modes of transportation, such as road, air, sea, and rail?

We employ advanced algorithms and industry-specific data to accurately measure the footprint associated with road, air, sea, inland waterways, logistics sites, and rail transportation. In particular, we integrate EcoTransIT World’s scientific transport chains emission calculation methodology.

Begin your sustainability transformation

Share your needs and explore our carbon management solution with our experts.

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a group of three people standing next to each other